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Introduction to Contemplative Meditation

Come to know God and your self in a new way through timeless prayer practices

A course that creates space and community for YOU to grow in contemplative spiritual practices 

​The past years have left many of us feeling restless and scattered, longing for new ways of being at peace with God and with ourselves. As we enter another busy fall, do you find yourself resonating with any of these questions?

Does prayer seem out of reach or like one more thing on your to-do list?

Are you curious about meditation but unsure how to go about it - or uncertain if it’s really for you?

 Are your previous ways of seeking God no longer working? 


Are you looking for spiritual nourishment, restoration and a community to walk alongside you?

Image by Aimee Giles

If any of these questions resonate with you, then this course is for you!

Why explore  contemplation?

We all go through seasons where prayer may feel dry and rote and God seems distant. When we struggle to find the time and energy for a daily prayer life.


For our team at The Stillness Collective, exploring ancient prayer practices breathed new life into our prayer rhythms. We found stillness and rest as we joined Christians from throughout the centuries by entering into these practices. 


It can be challenging to do this on your own, so we are creating a safe, contemplative space to listen to God in community.  We are making room for stillness, for the sediment of our lives to settle, and for us to see God and our true selves more clearly. 


We invite you to join us as we explore these ancient ways of praying together and learn from Christians who have walked this road before us. 

At the Stillness Collective, we believe contemplative practices are vital to a strong, healthy Christian experience.  

We have created a course that will explore four contemplative prayer practices:
Image by Vincentiu Solomon

Ignatian Contemplation


Ignatian contemplation or prayer is a way of entering into Scripture using your imagination and senses. Using imagination in prayer is a way to pray using our heart.  Rather than simply reading a Scripture passage, you immerse yourself in it, imagining yourself within a particular story or scene.  

Image by Svitlana

Centering Prayer


Centering prayer is a method of being still and listen to God in the silence.  It is a way to open ourselves to contemplation which is the peaceful loving inflow of God.  It is  resting in God, beyond words, thoughts and images. 


Image by Simon Berger

Lectio Divina


This ancient prayer practice of “divine reading” involves a slow process of looking at Scripture, then looking at it again, inviting God to illuminate what he is saying to you personally through Scripture and how he is inviting you to respond.  Often, we come to scripture in order to study or master it. In Lectio Divina, we sit under scripture, allowing it to master and form us.

Image by Clay Banks



The examen is a practice of looking back over your past day with God, asking God to show you how he was present to you in all of its gifts and challenges and how he is inviting you to live in the following day. 

Image by Justin Cron

“No word is sufficient to explain how the discernment practices, inside and outside the classes, have been so instrumental in helping me to make two very important decisions. All I can say is I found myself having the necessary tools for leading me to those decisions.”

— Christie, from our course on discernment

Image by Zhen Hu
Course Details
  • This 4 week course will meet on Monday nights starting Oct. 3rd through Oct. 24 from 7-8:30PM.


  • The course will be virtual and meet by Zoom.


  • This course is for adults who are seasoned Christians from any denomination.


  • The course is a confidential space where participants will be invited (not required!) to share their stories and experiences in prayer and reflection. All participants will be required to sign a commitment to confidentiality.



  • If you would like to learn more, join us for an interest meeting on September 22nd at 7:00pm.  Click here to register.  


  • Register for the course by September 24th with code CONTEMPLATIVE for 10% off! 


  • If you would like one-on-one time with one of our directors, you have the option to add on spiritual direction sessions with the Stillness Collective Director of your choice. We believe so strongly in the value of spiritual direction that we are offering this bundle at a reduced price! (For information about spiritual direction, click here.)

Image by Aaron Burden

What To Expect


The course will be led by Janine Rohrer and Carrie Myers, two experienced spiritual directors and ministry leaders, with live music provided by musician and composer David Buchs, also an experienced director and ministry leader. 

Fall Essentials

You are welcome in this space!

Come with us as we cultivate the Spiritual Discipline of Contemplation. We look forward to journeying with you.  

If you would like to learn more, join us for an Interest Meeting on September 22nd at 7pm.  Click here to register.  

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